Better Business Awards 2024


The 8th BCCTaipei Better Business Awards recognises individuals and enterprises in Taiwan for their outstanding effort in Responsible Business.

We are honouring achievements in the categories of Business Leader of the Year, Climate Champion, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Diversity, Green Energy, ​​Innovation for Wellbeing, and Social Enterprise.

The main objective of the Better Business Awards is to celebrate organisations and individuals that excel in different areas of responsible business. 

Better Business Awards 2024 Report

Better Business Awards 2023 Report






Award Categories: (Click each award for more information)

BBA 2024
BBA 2024
BBA 2024

BBA 2024
BBA 2024
BBA 2024

BBA 2024




Thank you to our Award Supporters:


BBA 2024    BBA 2024   BBA 2024   BBA 2024    ​​​​





Better Business Awards judges are at the height of their industry to ensure our winners are the best in class. The British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei maintains a formal judging process as below.

The Better Business Awards opens for entries in June and closes in August when the judging process begins. All entries are eligibility checked to ensure they meet the required criteria of their category before being benchmarked for shortlisting.

Entries are assessed by our Judging Panel of leading experts in their area against the criteria of each category and independently judge each entry on a scoring basis. The highest scoring entries will be shortlisted as finalists in their category. Up to 3 companies may be shortlisted in each category.

Winner Selection
Our expert judges consider all shortlisted entries and make their final winner selection in each category.


  • 25-June: Official Awards Launch | 公布今年獎項項目; Awards Applications Open | 報名申請開始
  • 16-August: Applications Close | 報名申請截止; Judge Panels Internal Process |  申請表評審審閱
  • Early September: Finalists Announcement | 公布各獎項入圍名單
  • 25-September: Awards Ceremony Dinner in Regent Taipei | 頒獎典禮



There is no application fee for the Awards. Are there, however, any extra charges? For example, entry fees, award fees, and or sponsorships following a win? 請問報名此獎項除無須報名費外,是否還有其他任何的衍生費用呢?(如:參賽費、得獎費用、得獎後的贊助費等等。)

We are pleased to inform you that there are no entry or winning fees associated with the Better Business Awards. If your company is selected as a finalist, we kindly ask that at least two representatives attend the Awards Ceremony dinner. Tickets must be purchased for these representatives as well as any additional attendees at the standard price. Attendance at the dinner is mandatory, providing a prime opportunity to celebrate your achievements and network with industry leaders. Please note that there are no hidden charges, ensuring a transparent and rewarding experience for all participants.

「優良企業貢獻獎」並無收取任何報名費或獲獎費用。若 貴公司入圍,請協助派兩位代表參加頒獎典禮。請留意: 所有入圍者都需要安排代表出席晚宴,且公司代表需購買頒獎典禮的門票。我們相信這是一個能夠慶祝您的成就並與其他行業領袖交流的好機會。若公司有超過兩位同仁有意願參與頒獎典禮,也歡迎其他參與者購買額外的門票,與我們一同共襄盛舉。 請別擔心,除了頒獎典禮的門票外,我們並不會收取任何隱藏費用。「優良企業貢獻獎」的所有行政及申請流程都是公開透明,以確保您有順暢的報名體驗。


Why does BCCTaipei choose to hold this Award if they don't charge any fees? 不收取任何費用的話,為何台北市英僑商務協會要舉辦這個獎項呢?

The Better Business Awards are an integral part of BCCTaipei's commitment to fostering a culture of excellence and responsibility within the business community. By hosting this event without any fees, we aim to encourage broader participation and recognise outstanding contributions towards sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and community engagement. Our goal is to celebrate and support businesses and individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact, thereby driving collective efforts to improve our society.



If we are not a BCCTaipei member or British Company, can we still apply for the Awards? 如果我們不是台北市英僑商務協會的會員或是英國公司,我們可以申請獎項嗎?

Yes, absolutely! The Better Business Awards are open to all companies based in Taiwan, regardless of their nationality or membership with the BCCTaipei. We encourage any company operating in Taiwan and committed to responsible business practices to apply. Our goal is to recognise and celebrate the diverse and impactful contributions of businesses throughout Taiwan.



Is it possible for a company to apply for more than one Award? 同一家公司可以報名多於一個獎項嗎?

Yes, absolutely. Companies are encouraged to apply for multiple awards if they believe their initiatives align with the criteria of more than one category. We place no restrictions on the number of awards a company can apply for. Each application will be considered independently, provided it meets the specific requirements of the respective award.



Which Award(s) are we suitable for? 我們適合哪個獎項呢?

This year, we are celebrating excellence across seven categories. Depending on your company's activities and achievements, you may find one or more categories appropriate:

  • Business Leader of the Year Award: Recognises leaders who embody our core values through achievements in diversity & inclusion, social enterprise, sustainability, and promoting cross-border economic relations.
  • Climate Champion Award: Honors companies that have integrated climate action comprehensively within their business operations.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award: Awards companies in Taiwan demonstrating excellence and innovation in their CSR initiatives.
  • Diversity Award: Celebrates companies that champion diversity and inclusion within their workforce.
  • Green Energy Award: Recognises companies in the renewable energy sector contributing significantly to Taiwan's domestic supply chain and sustainability goals.
  • Innovation for Wellbeing Award: Awards companies that have innovatively promoted health, safeguarding, and wellness, making these services more accessible across all age groups.
  • Social Enterprise Award: Open to Taiwan-based social enterprises, recognising their impact and contributions to social challenges.

Please review the specific criteria on the application forms to determine the best fit for your company's contributions and achievements.

今年獎項分為七個類別。根據您公司的活動和成就,您可能會發現 貴公司適合提交一個或多個類別的申請:

  • 最佳企業領袖獎:表揚在多元與共融、社會企業、可持續性及促進跨境經濟關係方面有所成就的領袖
  • 最佳企業氣候行動獎:獎勵在企業運營中全面實踐為全球氣候帶來正面改變的公司。
  • 企業社會責任獎:表彰在台灣表現出卓越創新企業社會責任計劃(CSR)的公司。
  • 企業多元文化獎:表彰在職場中倡導多元與共融的公司。
  • 最佳再生能源獎:認可在再生能源領域對台灣國內供應鏈和可持續發展目標作出顯著貢獻的公司。
  • 最佳創新健康福祉獎:獎勵通過創新計畫推動健康、保護和福祉,使這些服務更加普及的公司。
  • 社會企業獎:開放給致力於解決社會問題的台灣社會企業。



We weren't finalists or winners the year before. Is it possible for us to apply for this again this year? 如果去年沒入圍或得獎,今年可以再報名嗎?

Absolutely! We recognize that companies can achieve significant improvements within a year. As the pool of applicants changes annually, each application cycle presents a new opportunity for success. We highly encourage all companies, regardless of their status in previous years, to apply again. This is a chance to showcase any advancements and contributions made since your last application.



If we won an Award last year, can we apply for the same Award this year? 去年若是該獎項得主,今年可以再報名相同獎項嗎?

No. To maintain fairness and encourage diversity within the awards, last year's winners are not eligible to apply for the same category this year. However, they are encouraged to explore other categories where they can bring forward their innovative practices.



If we were a Finalist last year, can we apply for the same Award this year? 去年若是該獎項入圍公司,今年可以再報名參加相同獎項嗎?

Yes. We warmly welcome last year's finalists to reapply for the same award. We believe in giving every participant a chance to shine, recognizing ongoing dedication and improvement.



Is there a Chinese application form? 獎項有中文申請表嗎?


No. To minimise misconceptions caused by translation, we only offer an English language application form; however, we accept forms completed in English or Chinese. It is only the Green Energy Award and Climate Champion Award which must be completed in English.


Can we still apply despite our firm's small size? 我們公司規模很小,也可以參與嗎?

The size of the company has no bearing on the deliberation of the Awards. All corporations are encouraged to apply.



Still unclear as to what will be evaluated for the awards? Watching these videos, you can learn more!

For more information about the Better Business Awards 2023, please click here

Better Business Awards 2022

For more information, please click here



Business Leader of the Year 最佳企業領袖獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Climate Champion 最佳企業氣候行動獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Diversity 企業多元文化獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Green Energy 最佳再生能源獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Innovation for Wellbeing 最佳創新健康福祉獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Social Enterprise 社會企業獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Business Leader of the Year 最佳企業領袖獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Climate Champion 最佳企業氣候行動獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Diversity 企業多元文化獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Green Energy 最佳再生能源獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Innovation for Wellbeing 最佳創新健康福祉獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Social Enterprise 社會企業獎

Winner 特優

Finalists 優選


Business Leader of the Year 最佳企業領袖獎 sponsored by HSBC: 
特優Winner: CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 中國信託金融控股股份有限公司, Daniel Wu 

優選Finalists: Haleon General Manager Ritesh Pandey 

優選Finalists: Inc.  富邦媒體科技股份有限公司 Jeff Ku 谷元宏 

Climate Champion 最佳企業氣候行動獎 sponsored by Eiger:  

特優Winner: Give-Circle Co., Ltd. 吉星共享股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: AUO Corporation 友達光電股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: Longchen Paper & Packaging Co., Ltd. 榮成紙業股份有限公司 

Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任獎 sponsored by Cottingham Ltd.: 
特優Winner: Novo Nordisk Pharma (Taiwan) Ltd. 台灣諾和諾德藥品股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 中國信託金融控股股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: PCA Life Assurance Co., Ltd.  保誠人壽保險股份有限公司 


Diversity 企業多元文化獎 sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank & GSK: 

特優Winner: Unilever Taiwan 聯合利華股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: DuPont Taiwan 台灣杜邦股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: Flow Inc. 若水國際股份有限公司 

Green Energy 最佳再生能源獎 sponsored by CWind Taiwan, Motive Offshore, NIRAS and Taylor Hopkinson: 

特優Winner: Vestas Taiwan Limited 台灣維特斯有限公司

優選Finalists: Formosa Solar Renewable Power 寶島陽光再生能源股份有限公司 

優選Finalists:  Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy 西門子歌美颯離岸風力再生能源股份有限公司 

Innovation for Wellbeing 最佳創新健康福祉獎 sponsored by PCA Life Assurance: 

特優Winner: Advantech 研華股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: GHS Advanced 廣和順科技股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd 台灣人壽保險股份有限公司 


Social Enterprise 社會企業獎 sponsored by KPMG:
特優Winner: JU TIAN CLEANTECH CO., LTD. 鉅田潔淨技術股份有限公司 
優選Finalists: CCILU INTERNATIONAL INC 馳綠國際股份有限公司 

優選Finalists: CircuPlus Co., Ltd. 原點社會企業股份有限公司 




Business Leader of the Year 最佳企業領袖獎

Winner 特優: Justin Chin 陳康偉, 總裁 AstraZeneca Taiwan 臺灣阿斯特捷利康股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Terence Ong 王德勤, Managing Director Pernod Ricard Taiwan 台灣保樂力加股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Andrew Tseng 曾盛麟, 董事長 Grape King Bio 葡萄王生技股份有限公司


Climate Champion 最佳企業氣候行動獎

Winner 特優: Delta Electronics, Inc. 台達電子工業股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Cathay Financial Holdings 國泰金融控股股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Acer Inc. 宏碁股份有限公司


Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任獎

Winner 特優: Cheng Loong Corporation 正隆股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Give-Circle Co., Ltd 吉星共享股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Standard Chartered Bank (Taiwan) 渣打國際商業銀行股份有限公司


Diversity 企業多元文化獎

Winner 特優: BNP Paribas Cardif Assurance Vie, Taiwan Branch 法國巴黎人壽台灣分公司

Finalists 優選: AstraZeneca Taiwan 臺灣阿斯特捷利康股份有限公司 

Finalists 優選: Procter & Gamble 寶僑家品股份有限公司


Green Energy 最佳再生能源獎 :

Winner 特優: Ørsted Taiwan 沃旭能源股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Boskalis HwaChi Offshore Wind Taiwan 伯威海事工程股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Mammoet Giant (Taiwan) Limited 台灣猛獁象佳運股份有限公司


Innovation for Wellbeing 最佳創新健康福祉獎 :

Winner 特優: Kiipo 擎寶科技股份有限公司

Finalists 優選: Leofoo Tourism Group 六福旅遊集團 

Finalists 優選: DBS Bank (Taiwan) Ltd. 星展(台灣)商業銀行股份有限公司


Social Enterprise 社會企業獎 :

Winner 特優: Taiwan Dive Center 恩瀛企業有限公司 (台灣潛水)

Finalists 優選: Story Wear (Beauterama Trading Limited) 七棵橡樹國際有限公司

Finalists 優選: Culture Art and Nature (CAN) Ltd. 甘樂文創志業股份有限公司



Social Enterprise

Winner- ZENZHOU Ltd. Social Enterprise 仁舟淨塑/仁舟社會企業

Finalist- 5% Design Action

Finalist- 環境友善種子


Green Energy

Winner- IOVTEC 國際海洋

Finalist- Smart Power Co., Ltd 德睿旭科技有限公司

Finalist- Shih An Farm 石安牧場


Business Leader of the Year

Winner- Chair of O-Bank 王道銀行, Tina Lo 駱怡君, 董事長, 王道商業銀行

Finalist- Revital Shpangental, CEO and Founder at Anemone Ventures Ltd.,

Finalist- 黃仁俊, 商品管理部副總經理 at TestRite 特力屋股份有限公司



Winner- HSBC Taiwan Limited 匯豐 (台灣) 商業銀行

Finalist- O-Bank 王道商業銀行

Finalist- PCALife Assurance Co., Ltd. 英國保誠人壽


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Winner- HSBC Taiwan Limited 匯豐 (台灣) 商業銀行

Finalist- Cheng Loong Corporation 正隆股份有限公司

Finalist- Standard Chartered Bank 渣打銀行 Taiwan



Best Innovator Award – Innovation in Healthcare

Winner: Sense Innovation

Finalists: Home Angel, Duofu Care & Service


Business Leader of the Year

Winner: Jay Chen, HENG LEONG HANG CO., LTD.

Finalists: Laura Wang, PCA Life Assurance CO. LTD.,

Revital Shpangental, Anemone Ventures LTD.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Winner: Diageo Taiwan Inc.

Finalists: Standard Chartered Bank, Kimberly-Clark Taiwan



Winner: GlaxoSmithKline Far East B.V.

Finalists: L’Oréal Taiwan, Womany Media Group


Social Enterprise

Winner: BuyNearby

Finalists: Culture Art and Nature (CAN) Ltd., Sense Innovation



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Winner: L’Oreal Taiwan

Finalists: Diageo, HSBC, PCA Life, Unilever



Winner: Eiger Law

Finalists: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pagoda Projects, Womany Network Co., Ltd


Social Enterprise

Winner: OurCityLove

Finalists: Greenvines, Impact Hub, Twine, Ucarer Taiwan



Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Winner: Standard Chartered Bank

Finalists: AU Optronics Corporation, Boston Scientific, Kimberly-Clark



Winner: AstraZeneca

Finalists: Anemone Ventures Limited, Eiger, InternTaiwan


Social Enterprise

Winner: Spring Pool Glass 春池玻璃實業有限公司

Finalists: Agoood Cooperation, Ming Yung Enterprise Co., Ltd, Teatalk