2023 Better Business Award Social Enterprise Winner – Blueseeds’ Innovation and Sustainability

In an era marked by an increasing emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, the British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei launched the Better Business Awards to celebrate companies and individuals who integrate innovative and sustainable practices into their operations and their significant benefit to society. It acknowledges the painstaking efforts of numerous organisations in environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance, inspiring a broader commitment to sustainable development.

Blueseeds: A Beacon of Social Enterprise

In September 2023, Blueseeds emerged as a standout recipient of the Better Business Award for Social Enterprise. With its innovative approach and firm mission, this social enterprise has sustainability central to its mission, offering products and services that benefit the environment and carry profound social value. Through a detailed discussion with Stephanie, Blueseeds' founder, we uncover the inner workings of the company, its inventive sustainability strategies, and their implementation, aiming to inspire a global movement towards "better business."

The Genesis and Mission of Blueseeds

Blueseeds was conceived out of Stephanie's desire for change. After dedicating over two decades to leadership in the tech industry and establishing various tech ventures, her health ultimately suffered as a result. This personal struggle led her to scrutinise the chemical composition of everyday products, sparking a decision to pursue a more natural lifestyle. Since 2016, Blueseeds has been committed to a philosophy of zero harm to nature, focusing on natural products that enhance human life and promote a beneficial harmony between humanity, the environment, and the products we consume.

Blueseeds Founder
Stephanie, founder and CEO of Blueseeds.

Crafting a Forward-Thinking, Eco-Friendly Business Model

With the fusion of advanced technology and commitment to social good, Blueseeds has established a robust, sustainable business model. The company supports organic farming in Taiwan, employs minimalist product design principles, and ensures its offerings are entirely natural. By utilising her background in tech, Stephanie brings a unique approach to Blueseeds’ product life-cycle management, from raw material sourcing to sales, ensuring quality at every stage. Innovations such as subscription models, blockchain traceability, and big data analytics further enhance operational efficiency and consumer trust.


Dedication to Social Impact

Blueseeds' innovative product range and business model are matched by a profound commitment to social responsibility. The company dedicates a portion of its revenue to charity, collaborating with organisations which empower visually impaired individuals, and supporting social welfare projects. Blueseeds' implementation of the "ESG Select" platform is an example of how they are facilitating collaboration between businesses and small-scale farmers, to contribute to both societal and environmental well-being.

Overcoming Challenges with Resilience

Since its inception, Blueseeds has faced and overcome numerous challenges, from raising brand awareness to ensuring a stable supply chain. These obstacles have only strengthened the company's dedication to its core values of sustainability and social responsibility. For example, to tackle the challenge of being relatively unknown, for instance, Blueseeds set out to educate the market and enhance its brand presence. They ensured both product quality and a consistent supply chain by entering into long-term agreements with local farmers, guaranteeing these farmers stable incomes.

By fostering innovation and adhering to a solid business philosophy, Blueseeds has earned widespread trust and recognition, proving that it is possible to achieve commercial success while making a positive societal impact.


The Road Ahead

Blueseeds exemplifies that sustainable development is a practical and essential aspect of modern business. As the company looks to expand globally, it seeks partners who share its vision of a sustainable future. Blueseeds' journey is a shining example for businesses and individuals committed to sustainable development, demonstrating that commercial success and social progress can indeed go hand in hand. Through continuing innovation and responsible practices, businesses can achieve their goals while not compromising on their societal and environmental impact.