News Listing

Members & Events News

As we approach the first UK Labour government budget since 2009, there is a lot of speculation and counter speculation about tax changes. While it’s important not to act on speculation alone, it is crucial to be aware of the potential adjustments.

Wealth Manager Scott Kingsley has published an article looking at topics which may arise in the budget

Better Business Awards

On 25 September 2024, the British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (BCCTaipei) hosted the 2024 Better Business Awards (BBA) at the Regent Taipei Hotel, recognising companies committed to responsible business practices. 台北市英僑商務協會(BCCTaipei)於9月25日假台北晶華酒店舉辦第八屆「優良企業貢獻獎」頒獎典禮,旨在表揚於企業社會責任與永續經營中有傑出表現的台灣企業。

Members & Events News

Recent economic challenges have highlighted the growing demand for social housing in the UK and across the globe. This has created new investment opportunities that entwine growth opportunities with socially responsible investment.

Wealth manager Scott Kingsley recently published an article on investing in social housing, which covers this topic in detail.

Members & Events News

On Wednesday, 21 August, BCCTaipei’s CEO, Colin Giles, and Membership Relations Manager, Janie Chung, visited our newest member, Taipei VIS@betterworld lab Experimental Education Institution. The visit provided an opportunity to learn more about VIS's innovative approach to education and to foster a stronger connection between our organisations.

Members & Events News

When did you last review your pension assets, contributions and wider retirement plans? Have you factored in the rising cost of living and increased life expectancy?

Wealth Manager Scott Kingsley has published a very informative article on this topic and what you need to look out for.

Members & Events News

SHL Medical, a pioneering leader in self-injection solutions, has announced the construction of its new manufacturing site in Taoyuan, Taiwan (hereafter referred to as Taoyuan-Nanmei site). The project marks the continued collaboration between SHL Medical and Great Honor Asset Management. On July 3rd, General Manager of SHL Medical Taiwan, Sebastian Feng, along with the management team, the Great ...

Members & Events News

Political change is a hot topic, but how will it impact your prospects, investment markets and future plans?

Wealth manager Scott Kingsley has written an informative article on this topic, providing an in-depth analysis of the potential impact on finances.


This article covers the latest developments in UK-Taiwan trade relations, highlighting important agreements and opportunities for collaboration. Stay informed about key updates shaping business opportunities in Taiwan.

Better Business Awards
Members & Events News
Renewable Energy
Responsible Business


Better Business Awards
Members & Events News
Renewable Energy
Responsible Business

In an era characterised by an increasing emphasis on sustainability and social responsibility, the British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei launched the Better Business Awards to celebrate companies and individuals who integrate innovative and sustainable practices into their operations and significantly benefit society.