Celebrating Companies Leading The Way in Responsible Business 表彰引領負責任企業的卓越貢獻
28 Sept, 2022 – The British Chamber of Commerce in Taipei (BCCTaipei) hosted its sixth Better Business Awards (BBA) ceremony on 28th September in the Regent Taipei Hotel. The Chamber was delighted to honour local achievements in responsible business this year with the return to an in- person event. BCCTaipei presented awards in seven categories: Business Leader of the Year, Climate Champion, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Diversity, Green Energy, Innovation for Wellbeing, and Social Enterprise. The ceremony was opened by John Dennis, Representative at the British Office in Taipei, and Emile Chang, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of InvesTaiwan. The keynote speaker was Chingyu Yao, Director-General, Secretariat of New Taipei City Government.
2022 年 9 月 28 日 – 台北市英僑商務協會(英僑商會,BCCTaipei)於9 月 28 日主辦第六屆「優良企業貢獻獎」頒獎典禮,隨著疫情陰霾漸散,今年再次舉辦實體頒獎典禮,共同慶祝入圍企業的成就,並表彰其卓越貢獻。 今年頒發令人期待已久的七個獎項分別是:最佳企業領袖獎、最佳企業氣候行動獎、企業社會責任獎、企業多元文化獎、最佳再生能源獎、最佳創新健康福祉獎、社會企業獎。並由英國在臺辦事處代表鄧元翰、投資台灣事務所執行長張銘斌,以及新北市政府秘書處處長饒慶鈺作爲SDGs專題講者為頒獎典禮拉開帷幕。
As a cornerstone event dedicated to acknowledging and celebrating local responsible business, all award candidates and sponsors are based in Taiwan, and have evidenced diligent efforts and commitment to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in their respective industries. In line with BCCTaipei’s core values, the Better Business Awards (BBA) is an evening which looks beyond companies’ profits to honour their accomplishments in responsible business, in doing so emphasising the importance of being a good global citizen in addition to facilitating business growth. In the last six years, the increase in the number of applicants has enabled BCCTaipei to expand its categories of award to a total of seven, which serves as an affirmation that addressing societal and environmental issues is becoming an ever-integral part of how local businesses operate here in Taiwan today.
John Dennis, Representative at the British Office in Taipei, commented that “Taiwan and the UK enjoy a strong and vibrant trade relationship where we not only celebrate business successes but also share ideas and best practice. We are delighted to see that Taiwan and the UK have aligned values, which is so clearly demonstrated through all the businesses nominated tonight. Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) practices have become integral to businesses that wish to maintain a high global standing and attractiveness for investment.”
英國在臺辦事處代表鄧元翰表示:「台灣與英國蓬勃的以及長久以來的貿易關係,我們不僅表彰商業成功,更願意分享想法並付諸行動。而環境、社會和治理 (ESG) 實踐已成為國際企業競爭中不可或缺的一部分。」
Among the 21 finalists, 14 are Taiwanese companies, this demonstrates that more and more Taiwanese businesses are flourishing! Carl Blundon, Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce, added that “It's great to note that the majority of the finalists, while having well-known names, are not currently British Chamber members.”
21家入圍企業中共有14家為台灣企業,可見越來越多本土企業正蓬勃發展。英僑商會理事長Carl Blundon 表示很開心能看到大多數入圍者皆非商會會員。
Chingyu Yao, Director-General, Secretariat of New Taipei City Government highlighted that “Welcome to the journey from where are living in to where we are living for.”
Congratulations to all finalists who can proudly announce that they have exhibited excellence in their responsible business operations, that they have embraced the ethos of Better Business, and that they are indeed, Better Businesses. We are extremely grateful for their efforts to continue to make our societies happier and healthier, and our environment cleaner and greener. Better business, better future!
祝賀所有優良企業貢獻獎的入圍者,各企業皆在永續商業運營中表現卓越,他們貫徹了優良企業的精神,同時他們確實為優良企業。感謝他們所做的努力,讓社會更健康快樂,並使我們的環境更乾淨更美好。Better Business, Better Future!

This year’s winners are:
🔵 Business Leader of the Year 最佳企業領袖獎 sponsored by HSBC:
特優Winner: CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 中國信託金融控股股份有限公司, Daniel Wu
Haleon General Manager Ritesh Pandey
momo.com Inc. 富邦媒體科技股份有限公司 Jeff Ku 谷元宏
🔵 Climate Champion 最佳企業氣候行動獎 sponsored by Eiger:
特優Winner: Give-Circle Co., Ltd. 吉星共享股份有限公司
Longchen Paper & Packaging Co., Ltd. 榮成紙業股份有限公司
🔵 Corporate Social Responsibility 企業社會責任獎 sponsored by Cottingham Ltd.:
特優Winner: Novo Nordisk Pharma (Taiwan) Ltd. 台灣諾和諾德藥品股份有限公司
CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. 中國信託金融控股股份有限公司
PCA Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 保誠人壽保險股份有限公司
🔵 Diversity 企業多元文化獎 sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank and GSK:
特優Winner: Unilever Taiwan 聯合利華股份有限公司
🔵 Green Energy 最佳再生能源獎 sponsored by CWind Taiwan, Motive Offshore, NIRAS and Taylor Hopkinson):
特優Winner: Vestas Taiwan Limited 台灣維特斯有限公司
Formosa Solar Renewable Power 寶島陽光再生能源股份有限公司
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy 西門子歌美颯離岸風力再生能源股份有限公司
🔵 Innovation for Wellbeing 最佳創新健康福祉獎 sponsored by PCA Life Assurance:
特優Winner: Advantech 研華股份有限公司
Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd 台灣人壽保險股份有限公司
🔵 Social Enterprise 社會企業獎 sponsored by KPMG:
特優Winner: JU TIAN CLEANTECH CO., LTD. 鉅田潔淨技術股份有限公司
CircuPlus Co., Ltd. 原點社會企業股份有限公司