Beginning May 9, mandatory quarantine for arrivals to be shortened to 7 days; 7-day self-health management remain required for arrivals starting 8th day



On May 3, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that quarantine for all arrivals will be reduced to seven days starting 00:00 on May 9, 2022 (incoming flight's scheduled arrival time in Taiwan), and changes to related measures are listed below.

I. Required quarantine period and quarantine location:

a. The number of days an arrival should quarantine will be shortened to seven days, and the day of arrival counts as Day 0; a seven-day self-health management will be required starting the 8th day.

b. The arrival should quarantine at home or a residence of a friend or relative, and the principle of one person per residence should be observed. If the principle of one person per residence cannot be followed, the arrival should complete the 7-day quarantine at a quarantine hotel.

c. Family members/household members who arrive on the same day as the arrival may choose to quarantine together in their home or a residence of a relative or they may stay in the same quarter depending on their willingness and room types of the quarantine hotel where they stay. However, due to the space of single rooms, it is recommended that no more than two people share a room.

II. Testing measures:

a. PCR testing: arrivals should undergo PCR testing upon arrival (Day 0) in accordance with the current testing requirement.

b. Rapid testing using at-home rapid test kits:

1. A rapid test will be given on the last day (Day 7) of the quarantine period. One additional rapid test kit will be provided and can be used if symptoms appear during quarantine.

2. In consideration of the age limit on who can use at-home rapid test kits, children under two years of age who are under home quarantine will undergo a PCR test on the last day of quarantine period. People who have difficulty using at-home rapid test kits on their own will receive rapid tests arranged and performed by local governments.

3. At-home rapid test kits will be provided to inbound travelers by international airport/port personnel upon entry.






(一) 居家檢疫天數為7天,入境日為第0天,並自第8天起接續自主健康管理7天。

(二) 以自宅或親友住所1人1戶為原則。如家戶無法符合1人1戶檢疫條件,須入住防疫旅宿完成7天檢疫。

(三) 同日入境之家屬/同住者檢疫期間可於自宅或親友住所同住,或於防疫旅宿依民眾意願並配合房型同住1室,但單人房型小,建議以不超過2人同住為原則。


(一) PCR檢測:於入境時(第0天)依現行措施進行PCR檢測。

(二) 家用快篩試劑檢測:

1. 檢疫期滿當日(第7天)執行1次快篩,另提供1支備用快篩試劑,於檢疫期間出現症狀時使用。

2. 考量家用快篩試劑之適用對象年齡限制,未滿2歲之居家檢疫者,其檢疫期滿當日採檢措施以PCR檢測;另如有無法自行操作快篩之民眾,將由地方政府安排人員協助進行快篩檢測。

3. 家用快篩試劑由各國際港埠人員於入境時發放。
